Relationship Gist and Talk contains several tips and secrets on how to stay happy in your relationship. Everyday, we share several issues and problems different couples are facing and our in-house specialist Amaka gives us a lasting solution to some of them.Using Relationship Gist and Talk, you would get access to over 1.4M women from Madivas that ma be aware of your issues. Download the app to send in issues that you might have. We would publish them and get back to you with an answer. With this app you would also know :1. How to take care of your spouse2. Send daily romantic messages to your spouse3. Get ideas on what birthday gift that you can get your spouse4. Know how to take care of your spouse during Valentine5. Learn how to build long and lasting relationshipsSome of the topics recently discussed on the app includes:Relevance Score7 ways to know if he is truly in love with you or not6 Reasons Men Leave Women They Dont Love7 Ways To Know If He is A Player Or Not4 reasons why couples that love each other argue